Monday, July 9, 2012

Weight Loss - Add Chocolate to Your Diet?

Free Weight Loss Plans Online - Weight Loss - Add Chocolate to Your Diet?
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Do you know about - Weight Loss - Add Chocolate to Your Diet?

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Before you run out to Walmart and stock up on chocolate bars, read the whole report please.

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How is Weight Loss - Add Chocolate to Your Diet?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Free Weight Loss Plans Online.

Yes! Yes! Yes! There admittedly Are condition benefits of chocolate, and it Can be a part of a weight loss program. There are a few things you need to know first.

First we have to talk about the boring stuff... Free radicals, antioxidants, and flavonoids:

Free radicals: These exiguous rascals, excuse me, I mean radicals, are unstable atoms or groups of atoms that occur simply in the body as a corollary of daily atomic processes in reaction to such intrusive things as pollution, cigarette smoke, and sunlight. They are a natural part of the process of being alive, but they can damage cells, and research seems to implicate them, at least to some extent, in the increase of cancer, cardiovascular disease, strokes, cataracts, and other problems connected to age.

Antioxidants: The free radicals are unstable because they have lost an electron, and they begin to steal electrons from other atoms and molecules within the body. This creates more free radicals and more damage, even to the Dna itself. Antioxidants have an extra electron to spare and lend it to the free radicals, thereby stopping their destructive rampage. The antioxidants will also turn the free radical into a waste product, allowing it to be flushed (no pun intended) from the body. There are many antioxidants, but some of the more tasteless sources are vitamins C & E. They are also available in many fruits and vegetables.

Flavonoids: Android, asteroid? No relation. Flavonoids are pretty tasteless throughout nature, and they are anti- a lot of bad condition things. As you may have guessed, they are also antioxidants. They are found in all kinds of stuff, such as red wine, tea, and beer... And... Chocolate! Oh yeah! You can also eat the fruits and veggies mentioned above and get them, but chocolate's more fun, right?

Now The Bad News About Chocolate

Not all chocolate is created equal... At least in the concluded product. The more processing that is involved commonly removes more of the flavonoids. Therefore, dark chocolate probably contains the most flavonoids and provides the most antioxidant qualities.

Unfortunately, chocolate by itself doesn't taste too good, so to make it palatable, fats and sugars are added. Those are the admittedly bad things about chocolate, particularly if you are on a diet or in some other type of weight loss program

Chocolate And Weight Loss

As you can imagine, there is not a lot you can do about the ingredients added to chocolate. These ingredients are, for the most part, exactly the sort of things you need to avoid in your diet or on your weight loss program. However, usually adding inexpensive amounts of chocolate products to your diet can help you attain your weight loss goals in indirect ways.

Occasional chocolate treats are not of any great point if you are doing all things else right. One candy bar or chocolate chip cookie is not going to destroy a week's worth of adherence to your weight loss program. In fact, knowing that you can allow yourself a treat or recompense for "being good" can help you get over some of the tough parts. This is particularly true if you have the sort of self control to keep measure sizes inexpensive and spaced at sensible intervals.

You can also be proactive and head off the "carb cravings" that sometimes push you over the edge by drinking some low-carb chocolate milk for example. You won't get as much of the benefits from the flavonoids, but satisfying yourself in expand with the taste and texture of the drink, or other snack, may help you support control.

One of the major reasons diets and other weight loss programs fail is because habitancy feel deprived. It is best to commit the occasional small dietary sin than to give up completely. Integrating chocolate and other foods you enjoy in controlled-portion servings can help you make your weight loss plan a success.

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