Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Uav Materials and Thoughts on New Technologies and retention Up With Our Opponents

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Do you know about - Uav Materials and Thoughts on New Technologies and retention Up With Our Opponents

Free Weight Loss Plan! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Possible Uav materials are infinite: Foam, Composite, Balsa Wood, Plastic, artificial Balloon Material, Aluminum, Titanium, Spider Web Organic Material, etc. I advise some late breaking technology and newer materials, ceramic coatings and or Uavs built from photorefractive composites? Materials such as this:

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How is Uav Materials and Thoughts on New Technologies and retention Up With Our Opponents

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Free Weight Loss Plan.


Why? Weight, stealth, sycophant drag, induced drag, boundary layers, and performance, Nasa is looking into this as well for other uses;


Then there are some undoubtedly awesome practitioners, which have it all figured out, Uav manufacturing clubs have come alive in the last decade; even Plastics are used in Uavs especially the smaller ones. The larger Uav are made out of just about anything you can imagine. We are not the only ones studying about what to make these out of and we are not the only country capable of production them, many other countries are trying new things also. So it is foremost to be the best at it and have ways to shoot down enemy Uavs. Recently there was a major news story in the media about the Fbi working on looking espionage theft of hidden research. One spokesmen, head of the group in Mountain View, Ca, said next to International Terrorism it is the Fbi's whole 2 priority as the loss of foremost research is leaving the country way too fast; citing that our trading partners and allies were also spying on us; Chinese, Israel, Japan, Pakistan, Iran. And you only have to read the news occasionally to know this is a real issue. Top hidden means about 6 months until it is all over the Internet. Classified means 3 months before some reporter gets a hold of it and it is for this speculate that Uav technologies are so dangerous and why we must keep up the innovations in this area to stay ahead of our competition.

As technology progresses, your enemy will have the same tools and technologies you do, by buying it from an ally, spy or privately stealing it from a University research Team. So when you originate something as weapon for offense or defense of your people, you have to know how to defeat it too. As it will be used against you in a court of law (war).

Most all foreign countries have Uav programs and have established research and amelioration teams and put forth spies on the subject as well as pretend collaborators. We need to pay attention for the betterment of Nato Countries and Un participants. But what about hostile or potentially hostile nations, they have scientists too. Unmanned Flight is now capable in nearly any current aircraft with the irregularity of the skill vital to fly and take-off in a Ryan Monoplane or those requiring the balance of a pilot such as a hang glider or ultra light like the crash and burn motorcycle team brave adequate to give it a test at the Darpa Grand Challenge, hats go off to that team for a noble and worthy attempt.

If you think for one second that North Korea does not have Uavs of some type to augment their arsenal of Ballistic capable nuclear missiles think again. They trade with China and Japan and both have established programs, The Trade with South Korea and we have Uavs in Country and North Korea has spies there too. Even Saddam had a Uav prototype flying bomb program, some would say was in it's infancy, I say bull all they needed was a motor attached, you can buy that at an ultra-light store or online catalog, no one can deny that, google for your self if you find folly with my observation. A gadget such as that prototype Uav with a chemical compound or pathogen, virus or disease in it is not very funny if dispersed into a large city. These technologies are available and are or have been in all the arsenals of the Axis of Evil Countries.


I am not the only someone worried of this. Uavs that we build need to be light-weight, good payload, stealthy and agile. But the enemy due to cost may settle to build a huge whole of cheap units and bet on the numbers rather than survivability, so can we defeat a swarm of these? Very similar scenario, which scared all American's while the cold war, shooting down manifold Icbm warheads which scatter and assault pre-assigned cities. Some Uav enemy strategies comprise a separate coming to the notion of particular mission non-recovery ideas as many academics have eluded to in the reports online.

I would have to agree that money to buy the units is a big factor as our Congress appropriated much monies to the predator schedule for Dhs and Military, smart move. Coast Guard, Boarder Patrol, etc.but if a Uav does not do very much in the way of guard or ordinance delivery due to payloads in smaller non-predator type Uavs then a smart bomb maybe a better way to go once air defenses have been taken out of the equation. Which is why we are well served to have both technologies available to us. Of procedure it also depends how many targets, time frame and economies of scale when it comes to the logistical costs of movements of people, fuel, food, weapons and power.

Every mission should have a cost benefit and a goal oriented solution, that of procedure being the name of the game, to win it. Uavs supply options, lower costs over all and smart planning and curtail loss of life on both sides. particular mission Uavs, small versions are appropriate in many regards. Predators are good in that they can be used forever unless we start crashing them.

These smaller Uavs, like SmartBombs are especially foremost while regime changes when you goal is to provoke convert in leadership not in destroying vast amounts of private human life, no matter what whole of value is settled on it by the culture opposing your political will, but taking out those who oppose the will of the free World and stability of the Human Race. Never the less, war is hell, so you must win at all costs, which goes without saying, losing sucks and defeat or retreat cannot be an option for our team. retreat should only be used as a tactic to serve your time to come will. Let the enemy re-group and congregate and assault again getting most bang for your buck.

Uavs are here to stay and will want permissible funding, such R and D will come back ten fold to mankind in inherent commercial uses for tantalizing freight within and out side our own atmosphere, for doing jobs in agriculture, short and small delivery and of procedure the time to come of air voyage pilot less commercial aircraft much the same as the Nyc subways and citizen movers across the country and throughout the world.

The costs of Uavs are foremost and the materials supply the efficiencies vital to make them light, fast, maneuverable and strong. By watching the costs and picking the right materials, we can always allege the lead in Uav research and Development, Deployment and acquiring of target to stay in front of the pack in the never ending Human Saga, of Good Vs Evil. You know the Sound and Fury stuff, which has been going on since all of the recorded history we know about. We sure are funny, us humans? Wonder if we will ever form it out?

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