Saturday, June 16, 2012

Circuit Training For Weight Loss: Is This The Best Way To Lose Weight

Best Weight Loss Plan - Circuit Training For Weight Loss: Is This The Best Way To Lose Weight
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How a Busy Financial administrative Lost 15 Pounds of Fat & 4.5 Inches While Gaining Time & energy After Switching from Circuit Training to the World's Most considerable Fat Loss theory - compel and Intervals

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How is Circuit Training For Weight Loss: Is This The Best Way To Lose Weight

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Best Weight Loss Plan.

Andy W. Is another compel and intervals success story. A busy financial executive, Andy has made huge changes in his workouts and lifestyle. Like many people, Andy was frustrated by his lack of results prior to finding compel and intervals. But with his new lifestyle, he has converted his body, just like you can.

In addition, Andy has made a huge step towards development a massive vocation change. Soon, he will be one of the most in-demand trainers in the Uk. With my help, Andy has began learning the compel and intervals theory to help his clients lose fat and gain muscle with quick, effective workouts.

Here is more of Andy's success story.

Cb: Let's start with a little background info, Andy. What were you finding to accomplish when you found compel and intervals?

Andy W.:
Hi Craig, I am currently working as an connect Director for a Finance company here on the Isle of Man. It's a fancy title for a job that keeps me stuck at my desk for long hours and brings with it a lot of stress.

I am 35 and have always been relatively active. I make a point of development time to get to the gym 2-3 times a week and as you know I am currently carving out a new vocation as a fitness counselor in my spare time. I have a keen interest in nutrition because I have been resistance training for 15 years now with little or no results and put a lot of that down to the food I was intelligent at the time.

Cb: So what are your current thoughts on the importance of nutrition for fat loss?

I see nutrition as playing a major role in getting the results you desire and often tell my personal training clients that they do not put low-grade fuel into their cars so why should they fuel their bodies with low-grade processed foods.

Anyway, I had learnt a lot from my Personal teacher exams and one error I was development was that my gym sessions were all machine-based exercises. I remember reading an article in Mens Fitness magazine that to accomplish the results I craved I should incorporate on free weight and body weight exercises.

Due to the little amount of time I have to work out I searched the Net for a time effective resistance-based workout program and luckily for me I came over your website J

Cb: What were your pre-training stats?

When I first contacted you for advice on the best workout for me to start on I weighted in at 81kg (that's 178.2 pounds) and 23% body fat. I am 6 foot tall. My waist had crept up to 37 inches!

It was finding a holiday photo of me finding like a beached whale that suddenly made me realize that I had to take action as I was heading the way of my father and grandfather. Take my word for it, it's not a good look, no offence dad!

Cb: What were your workouts before? Why did they not work as well? How have compel and intervals improved upon those workouts?

Prior to compel and intervals my workouts were purely machine-based.

My local gym uses Nautilus machines and the training protocol they store is a total-body machine-based workout 2-3 times a week. It consists of a circuit of 8-12 exercises and you accomplish 1 set of each rehearsal and look to accomplish 8-12 reps of each exercise. The idea is that you move straight on to each rehearsal with little or no rest in the middle of each exercise.

Don't get me wrong, I think that for someone relatively new to training it can be a safe and effective form of rehearsal and as it can last in the middle of 20-25 minutes each session it proves to be favorite at the gym.

The question I found was that because the machines separate the singular muscle you are working on I would perceive a painful shoulder because I was lifting a heavier weight that my smaller muscles such as my rotator cuff could not handle. This would put a spanner in the works for my training because I would have to rest for a incorporate of weeks until the injury healed L

I felt like I was on a hamster's wheel. I would get better, start training again, move up in my weights and then hurt my shoulder again. I notion at first it was me and that I was destined to stay as I was.

It was only when I started learning that I begin to understand where I was going wrong.

Now with the help of your compel and intervals workouts which are primarily dumbbell and free weight based I know that I am strengthening my total body along with all of the smaller muscle groups along with my rotator cuff muscles.

I am pleased to say that since commencing with my first compel and intervals workout I have not experienced any injuries and am now lifting more weights than I ever notion I would J

Cb: Andy, you have learned the hard way that traditional, machine-based circuits are not thorough for the masses, despite the popularity of the chain gyms throughout North America.

So which workout did you start with? Did you observation any immediate effects after starting?

When I started I was keen to get my body fat % down and sacrifice my waistline.

I laugh about it now because when I printed the workouts out I remember mental the workout looked easy and I would not find it beneficial. How wrong was I?? Phew I soon found that I was eating my words!! The workouts might look easy on paper but they are intelligent although nowhere near impossible.

Because I had not been doing any Cv work in my workouts for a long time I found that the intervals particularly beneficial. My office is situated on a fairly steep hill and within a incorporate of weeks I found that I was walking a lot quicker up the hill to work without feeling as breathless as I used to and I still had energy to trot up the stairs!

And that's what I love about the workouts...its suddenly realizing that you are doing obvious everyday tasks a lot easier without even mental about it.

I also love the fact that I have had a Great workout without the need for spending 1 ½ - 2 hours in the gym. I lead a busy life and need to get on with things and know that I can still get all done And get a workout 3 times a week as well.

Cb: How have the workouts helped you? What benefits & results have you achieved? What are your gains and improvements and how do they assess to your before stats?

Continuing on from my old rejoinder the benefits I have achieved are loads more energy, great attentiveness levels and no more niggling rotator cuff injuries.

When I started my first workout I weighed in at 81kg (that's 178.2 pounds) and 23% body fat. My waist measured 37 inches.

12 weeks later:

My weight was 73.8kg (162.36 pounds)

A loss of 7.2kg (15.84 pounds)

More importantly I had reduced my waist to 32 ½ inches

And my body fat stood at 16%.

Cb: How do you feel in terms of compel and energy?

I am stronger than I have ever been and have bundles of energy. I have not reached my greatest goal yet which is to get to 12% body fat but I know that I am well on my way and look transmit to the journey because I know that workouts make it possible to accomplish such a goal.

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